Professor of medicine, who was head of the anesthesia and intensive care unit in southern Lyon, he was recently appointed an officer in the Order of the Legion of Honor, a distinction awarded during the last ceremonies of November 11. But Vincent Banssillon, who was in a military capacity, a doctor called to the 2 nd REP, is also known for his passion for the arts in general and his great cultural knowledge which he often shares with his listeners by giving lectures.
Expert Senior for International Organizations – UN / EU / AU / AU / ASEAN / Arabs States / others…
(Global Health and Social Welfare – Vaccination (Post Covid and other)- Global Migration – Human Rights – Legal and Ethical norms (EU and other) – – Climate Change – Architectural components – Urbanism, Tourism, Research, and other…
Huge interest for Global Alliances – Human, Business and economical aspect – Climate Change, Gender based violence, tropical medicine, Cross border migration(s), Role of Law, R2p, Humanitarian action, Global Health, Post – reconstruction vs for architectural RE-thinking – and all Global UN and or other thematic related to Heath and COVID pandemic.
Thomas Baptiste Weiss abs FSF-IHCE was inspired from his youngest childhood by the movement Sans Frontiérisme of the mayor of Vichy Claude MALHURET(Claude Malhuret, born on March 8, 1950 in Strasbourg, is a French doctor and politician. President of Doctors Without Borders from 1978 to 1986 and co-founder of the site Doctissimo, he was mayor of Vichy from 1989 to 2017), a man who is very much forgotten by history with the controversies of Mr. Bernard KOUSHNER, also known as president of the creation of Doctors Without Borders
France, Laos/Vietnam (Eurasian), Caribbean Islands (French West Indies), with African Touareg origins, South Indian heritage, Ashkenazi Jewish roots, German/Alsace heritage, French Breton background, and indigenous Arawak ancestry from South American tribes. Additionally, I identify with the Judeo-Christian Catholic faith.
Engagement humanitaire:
-Cofondatrice Association Formations Sans Frontières (FSF-IHCE): (site :
missions exploratoires Asie, participation journée mondiale santé OMS 2006, dons materiel réformé.
– missions Cambodge Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Battambang : 2005-2009: formations en Urologie, aide équipement des hôpitaux (FSF/ Association Française d’Urologie).
– Mission fistule Tanguiéta (GFMER/ CH Rochat)
– Cofondatrice, trésorier : Association pour le Développement de la Recherche en Santé Génésique (P Foldès, F
Expertise Santé Publique/Santé génésique
– chargé de projet, elaboration rapports pour différentes institutions: ANAES, HAS, ASFFAPS
– Missions exploratoires Cambodge, Bénin: équipement médical, formations en Urologie/ Santé Génésique
(Urologie feminine)
– Médecine sexuelle feminine et masculine, infertilité masculine
Recherche clinique: essais cliniques molécules (phase II, III, IV) GH E Herriot/crédits CeNGPS; recherche indépendante: reparation mutilations sexuelles (P Foldès, SGL)
Expérience: urologue andrologue sexologue at Centre Lyonnais Urologie Bellecour, Hospices Civils Lyon, Clinique
Saint Germain
1990 – Poste actuel (22 ans)
Compétences et expertise
évaluation en santé
qualité des soins
master sciences chirurgicales
Daughter from Sir. Pierre Weiss –
French Veteran – Colonel Officier. 2ème. DB
Ex. Médias Journalist – Communication specialist in Law
My origins encompass a mix of French, Laos/Vietnam (Eurasian), German, and Ashkenazi Jewish heritage.
Enthusiastic and hands-on technical leader with over 20 years of experience overseeing the strategic direction of desktop and application engineering teams and the implementation of enterprise applications.
I am a native of the United States, originally with roots from Germany and Russia.
Noelle Sibley joins the FSF-IHCE team as an Education Specialist, Editor, and Translator to reinforce several of their departments on themes of humanitarian affairs. Her current work as a English lecturer creating original course content for future public school teachers at Lyon University coincides with her mission with the international organization of designing needs-based educational projects. Alongside her seven years of experience in ESL (English As a second language) education in the private, public, and other sectors. she has established herself as a freelance translator, interpreter, and editor for businesses, individuals, and organizations, and she is thrilled to engage the meticulous curiosity of these functions in the service of FSF-IHCE. As a writer and creator with an identity split between her birth country of the United States and her chosen country of France, she relishes the opportunity to multiply herself across even more countries and professional roles as a member of the team.
My heritage includes roots from the United States and Northern Europe
Professional software developer with extensive experience in industry software, web and mobile app development for projects and projects initiated by you. Strong understanding of the full life cycles of mobile and software, UI|UX, web analytics, web conversion rates, and Agile methods.
I am dedicated to the continuous development, implementation, and adoption of new technologies to enhance the efficiency of development and to produce new applications.
A magistrate by profession, Patricia has worked as a judge for children. Throughout her career, she has never stopped thinking about the role and the message that justice and prison should send to those convicted. She founded the National Association for Prisoner Assistance (ANAP) in Ivory Coast.
After 20 years of activities with the International Labor Office (ILO), she is today Special Advisor to the Mediator of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, responsible for child protection, the promotion of the law and international cooperation.
General management; Business start-up and commercialization. Experienced pharmaceutical professional. Expertise in global marketing and commercial strategy. Successful product launches experience. Building excellent thought leader relationships. Worked on over 3 blockbuster products.
Specialties: Management. Product strategy, business development, marketing and sales, global product coordination. Building strong Thought Leader relationships. Managing cross functional teams, and P&L. Experience in various indications from oncology, hematology, CNS, CV to diagnostics.
Experience in management consulting with specialty in corporate restructuring for profitability and productivity.
Multilingual with a unique ability to interact in multi-cultural environments.
My heritage encompasses Haiti (Caribbean), Canada, Africa, and the United States.
Donald Glowinski, PhD, musician, consultant and research fellow. I am exploring the potential of music performance as a model for understanding emotions and group creativity.
My work is now inspiring a new trend of applied research to improve team coordination and resilience in business (e.g. Channel) or in extreme situations (e.g. doctors, firefighters).
Currently hired as scientific advisor at the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences (University of Geneva – Campus Biotech), I am also advisor for the Menuhin Competition Foundation and the Paris Philharmonic. I lead the new consortium responsible to investigate the cognitive and emotional impact of the DEMOS orchestras on hundreds of children.
I am a strong supporter of translational and participatory science : science must lead to innovative tools, which can be easily used and developed by motivated people. I therefore participate in many public activities (e.g., workshop, festival) to disseminate pieces of scientific knowledge to multidisciplinary audiences.
Graduated from BIOFORCE (International Humanitarian Aid Management), MIS (International Marketing, top graduate of the year and gold medallist) and ESIEE (Engineering, top graduate of the year).
Able to communicate fluently in English, French, Malay (Indonesian), Mandarin and 3 languages from the South of China (Cantonese, Hokkien and Teochew).
Team worker and team builder.
My heritage includes Malaysian, Chinese Malaysian, Singaporean, and French origins.
Depuis 2003 je suis médecin généraliste ou j’officie en pratique privée à Lausanne. Auparavant, j’ai été travaillé durant plusieurs années comme International Project & Product Manager dans une multinationale (GALENICA).
Dans le cadre de ma formation j’ai travaillé à l’IUMSP (Institut de Médecine Sociale et préventive de l’Université de Lausanne comme coordinateur de projet avec l’Organisation de la santé (OMS) concernant la politique relative à l’abstinence de consommation tabac au sein des organisations onusiennes (Genève)
En 2010, J’ai crée la société ABRA Pharmaceutical active dans la recherche en infectiologie et la société c’est également spécialisée dans la vente de produit et de matériel médical.
Born and raised in Geneva, Michael Nicolas is a diligent development professional with experience in communication, partnership development in international environments and project management. Michael also has a background in sales and tourism, and had the chance to work in Southeast Asia and the Middle East.
Throughout his professional experiences, he displayed valuable skills in rapport-building, team-working and in conflict resolution. He is also competent in research, in drafting and editing – and has worked for various NGOs, UN agencies and different multinational companies in the hospitality industry.
Michael is now about to complete his Masters in International Relations from the Webster University of Geneva, and holds a Bachelor of Administration in hotel management from the Northwood University of Montreux, Switzerland. He is passionate about education, human rights and international relations.
Rozenn Kalafulo is a journalist working for Radio Pole FM, a radio station affiliated with the Institut Interculturel Dans la Région des Grands Lacs – Pole Institute (Intercultural Institute In the Great Lakes Region – Pole Institute). The Institute was created in 1997 and has since been active in the promotion and defence of human rights, with a view to promoting peace, good governance and democratic change. Radio Pole FM has also been a public advocate of human rights in the DRC, and has publicly denounced human rights abuses in the State.
Sher Bahadur Chhetri, a humanitarian and development professional, has strong interpersonal and diverse working experiences in education, child protection, livelihood and cash transfer programming across food security, economic empowerment, disaster risk reduction, education, social protection, shelter, health and child protection from community-based organizations to development organizations and humanitarian organizations to governmental organizations. Sher has demonstrated experiences in reducing the vulnerability of people of diverse settings through different angles promoting and strengthening local capacity, community participation and accountability. He has skilled in team building, facilitation, proposal writing, and research and project management. He has a Master of Arts (M.A.) focused in Rural Development from Tribhuvan University (TU), Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal and doing Master of Advanced Studies in Humanitarian Action at Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies, a joint centre of the University of Geneva and the Graduate Institute, Geneva, Switzerland.
Responsable de la formation continue en charge de la région Rhône-Alpes. Séverine Aliouche est coach en entreprise spécialisée en communication inter-personnelle et gestion des émotions. Son expérience de formatrice et d’infirmière militaire lui on permise d’acquérir des stratégies d’adaptation face aux différentes problématiques. Elle accompagne les établissements de soins et médico-sociaux en tant que coach afin de réduire leur taux d’absentéisme et de turn over. Son programme permet aux collaborateurs de se repositionner face à certaines situations personnelles et professionnelles dans le but de redonner du sens à son engagement. Elle a rejoins Fsf-Ihce car cela correspond à ses valeurs telle que la bienveillance, le changement venant de l’intérieur, l’accomplissement personnel par la connaissance. Cette Association lui permet également de pouvoir mettre au service du plus grand nombre ses compétences pour développer de la flexibilité dans les différents modes de communication. Elle dispense depuis 1994, des formations auprès des dirigeants, managers, soignants, pompiers, militaires afin de réinstaurer le bien-être au travail et permettre une prise en charge optimale des usagers.
Chirurgien spécialiste en Orthopédie
Membre depuis 2004 de l’ONG FSF-IHCE Responsable des formations FSF-IHCE en Chirurgie Orthopédique
Depuis 1984 Diplômé en tant que Chirurgien orthopédiste et traumatologie en Chine.
En France depuis 1995, s’est spécialisé sur la Biomécanique chirurgicale et le biomatériaux, les prothèses et nouvelles technologies de la chirurgie Orthopédique.
A pu exercer dans de nombreux Hôpitaux en France notamment Lyon actuellement reconnu officiellement en tant que Chirurgien Français – dans ses spécialités.
Spécialisé dans toutes Conduites à tenir pour toutes interventions chirurgicales pour tous traumatismes orthopédiques des membres supérieurs et inférieurs.
Spécialisé dans les opérations des Hernies discales cervicales et lombaires – Névralgie du trijumeau
Prise en charge de manière globale pour toutes Douleurs cervicales, thoraciques et lombaires, Douleur des membres supérieurs et inférieurs
Expérience terrain en Mauritanie avec Médecins Sans frontières
Formateur pour Formations Sans Frontières – International Health Care Education.
Propose de nombreuse formation en techniques Chirurgicales pour FSF-IHCE à travers le Monde –
Training or diplomas:
2020: Training on the environment and Sustainable Development (IFDD, 2030 Objectives)
2011 Seminar on Strategic Planning, Results Based Management, Project Monitoring and Evaluation (Trainis, Paris, France)
2010 Master 2 in Fundamental Economics, Microeconomic Modeling (University of Caen-Basse Normandie, France)
2003 License (Bac + 5) in Applied Economics, Financial Management Option (University of Kinshasa, DRC)
SKILLS: Research capacity, Project Monitoring and Evaluation, Financial Management, Financial Analysis
2015 -2020: Vice-Rector in charge of Administration and Management, Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics of Kimpa Vita University
2011-2015: Teacher and Secretary General of Kimpa Vita University, Uige Angola
2004- 2009:Assistant Lecturer (ESPOL, Agostinho Neto University, Uíge, Angola)
2004 to date: Consultant in Development of Investment Projects for SMEs
LANGUAGES : French (Very good), Portuguese (Very good), English (Fairly good)
CENTER OF INTEREST : Entrepreneurship, Consulting and Research in Economics, Philanthropy
HOBBIE: Travel, reading, sport
With 15 years of proven experience in administrating health projects in the area of Malaria, Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD), HIV, food security and Peace building in Africa, particularly in Angola, Lutero has held positions of increasing responsibility and is able to coordinate project implementation, mapping, tool monitoring, program management, supervision and motivation of program staff, and monitoring and control of planned activities. He has worked as a Base Administrator of The Mentor-Initiative with the project to fight against Malaria supported by USAID, World Learning , Exxon Mobile and PSI / Angola .
He has also worked as a Project Assistant for the International Organization of Migration managing the fund and attending the returnees with agriculture and Kitchen in put.
Mr. Lútero Bayakala has also held the position of Log Administrator of CAM(Commité d’Aide Medical French NGO) dedicated in malaria in pregnancy, water and sanitation.
He has also worked as Finance Assistant of GTZ(German Technical Organization) with the project of Food Security and peace Building in Angola after the armed conflict. Mr. Lútero Bayakala has also worked as a translator of Medecins sans Frontiere France , Belge and of WHO(World Health Organization) during the Marburg outbreak in Angola.
Plusieurs expériences de vie, en France et Etranger, des rencontres avec des personnes à mobilité réduite ou sortira un film, un livre, une exposition photo (Sur la route d’Henry de Monfreid).
3 années en Chine (1992 à 1995) – Rues de Chine, exposition en NB et des expériences au Brésil, New York et d’autres.
Avec mon équipe, je développe du contenu visuel, dans le secteur de la santé et industriel, en France et à l’étranger.
Expertise des contenus en image: Video – Drone – Photo (corporate, industrielle, publicitaire, institutionnelle…)
– Production & Réalisation
– Montage – Motion Design 3D
– Webinar live
– Formation
– Gestion de projets
Je suis votre interlocuteur, à votre écoute !
A bientôt
For multinational organizations, I have twenty years of experience in management, governance, operations, and emergencies. Honesty; hard work; initiative; ability to coordinate work and work individually or as a team; strong leadership skills; adaptability; respect.
Usman Ahmad Salisu is a highly motivated person and has received rigorous academic training. He developed his expertise through attending workshops and seminars. A professional administrator and human resource development, he is an ex-banker and currently Executive Officer Administration at Bayero University, Kano. An MBRU Community Immunity Ambassador on COVID-19. His passion is on Health, Agriculture, and environment -cum- combat against Sahara Desert encroachment to support the Ecosystem.
Msenga Anyelwisye Mulungu is a holder of a Bachelor’s Degree in Education (Humanities). He majored his studies in History (Labour/Economic History and Development in Third World States). To accomplish this I had to research on Contemporary Labour Migrations from Malawi to the Republic of South Africa. I also studied African Languages and Linguistics. I have been a secondary school teacher and also lectured in Universities in History.
In the field of activism and advocacy, I focused on Inclusive Education (including children with disabilities), Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights/Services to youths. Worked with adults and children living positive to HIV/AIDS and other vulnerable children. I have also been advocating for good governance of natural resources. Hence, am a member of natural resources justice network in Malawi. I have also worked on Early Childhood Development programs. You may refer to my CV.
He has several experience in the field and in headquarters in the vast majority of his humanitarian career for different NGOs (AISEC, EKUMENE, PBI, MSF SWISS, MSF MEXICO, FSF) in America, Europe and Africa ,working in war context, regular projects and COVID Emergencies Managing the Human Resources and Finance areas.
Experience in the private sector as CEO in Soy Reclutador and Manager in American Express.
Committed with the materialization of projects and their execution for the benefit of those most in need.
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